NYC: the melting pot. This city features a myriad of people, identities and cultures. These bodies share intersectionalities that are parallel to our body of work. Augmented Awareness brings AR Monuments to 18 locations all across the city. What started as an opportunity for art students to use Augmented reality, ballooned intomonuments steeped in passion. Structures paying homage to the plight of the everyday people, from construction workers, to Wall street, to the millions of New Yorkers on daily medication. For the Notorious B.I.G Bedstuy, to Greenwich Village. For Stonewall, for Transpeople with RIP attached to their names, for 9/11. For the native people of this country who are without land and livable conditions. Augmented Awareness gave a voice to each artist and these voices will resonate with our communities as a whole. Although thesemonuments are not physical, they are here to stay and will be a part of the NYC landscape for all to experience.